
Showing posts from February, 2015

The Double Slit with Delta function slits - A rigorous approach

The truest statement about Fourier Transforms is that they are complex. - A.G.S. Two-slit interference The interference of light arises from something called Huygen's Principle. It basically states the every point a beam of light reaches becomes a source of a spherical wave. This is seen in the image below (source Wikipedia)

A Quick Look at Spherical Coordinates

Because astronomy works on the Celestial Sphere, spherical coordinates play a very important role in astronomy. Most of the time we can ignore the intricacies of physics in 3-dimensions and work in a 2D far-field regime. (The far-field regime is just fancy speak for "small-angles"). However, it can be useful to understand why spherical coordinates are they way they are. Here, we will quickly derive the spherical differential volume element. Differential, just means vanishingly small. To let the cat out of the bag, the spherical differential volume element is, \[ dV = r^2 \sin{\theta}\, dr\, d\theta \, d\phi .\] The figure above shows the coordinate system we will be working with. This form is commonly used in astronomy, and also in some physics. However, it is different from the way mathematicians define it. In mathematics the \(\theta\) and the \(\phi\) are often switched. The astronomy convention is the more commonly used one in physics and astronomy (sorry mathematica